Since 2005, the “Werkstatt für Kreative” has been offering creative workshops for children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18.
A look at the current programme and the last programmes of the Werkstatt für Kreative:
Uncanny figures. The hidden in textile reliefs.
September bis Dezember 2024
In the Unheimliche/s Gestalten (Uncanny figures) workshop, we will be inspired by the diversity of textiles and create a three-dimensional relief in an intuitive way. We will deal with…
Space, Dream, Utopia – Experimental graphics
February till June 2024
“As one dreams, so one should paint” (Werner Heldt) Dream, longing, home Berlin and freedom are the themes of the exhibition by artists Werner Heldt and Burkhard Held at…
Me, Myself and All
September till December 2023
The somewhat different class photo For many decades, staged photography has not only been a tool in art, but an everyday component of children’s and young people’s lives. Especially…
February till June 2023
Joy, happiness, anger and sadness are just some of the emotions we feel every day. We also feel something when we look at art.We explore these emotions and put…
REMIX Die große Freiheit in der Kunst
August till December 2022
We dare to do something and suddenly everything is possible. A moment of uncertainty and freedom at the same time, in which nobody knows what will happen next. We…
Der schöne Schein. Entwirf dein Kunst-Spielgeld
February till June 2022
Blue, red, green, pink! Banknote’s can be colorful and their motives as diverse as the world. But, how would the notes look, if children and teens were to design…
Auf Schatzsuche – Objekte aus Modelliermasse
January till December 2021
For the 75th anniversary of the Berliner Volksbank as well as 35 years of the Kunstsammlung, the Stiftung Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank and 15 years of the “Werkstatt für Kreative”,…
Magische Einblicke – Malerei auf Glas
August till December 2020
For the exhibition “Die wilden 20er – Nach(t)leben einer Epoche. Werke aus der Kunstsammlung der Berliner Volksbank,” the Werkstatt für Kreative will teach the technique of glass painting in…