This year marks the 100th birthday of the artist and cultural politician “Willi Sitte (1921 – 2013). He is one of the nationally and internationally most know artists of the GDR. He is also considered the most controversial representative of cultural politics of this former state. The retrospective at Kunstmuseum Moritzburg in Halle (Saale) deals with the complete works of Sitte, created between the late 1930s and 2005. For the first time since 1989/90 and without any influencing cultural politics, it provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Sittes work and the cultural system of GDR. The paintings “Ober” from 1951, “Frau mit Spiegel”, 1955, and “Selbstbildnis” from 1989 were loaned to the exhibition by Kunstsammlung der Berliner Volksbank.