For the Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH, cooperation and networks are important, both for their own work and to work with others to focus even more on important topics and to advance them.
Nachhaltigkeitsdeklaration für den Kulturbereich
The sustainability declaration for the cultural sector (Nachhaltigkeitsdeklaration für den Kulturbereich), signed by the Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH, enables art and cultural institutions, cultural administrations, cultural associations…
Sundays at the museum! Admission is free on the first Sunday of every month – everyone is welcome and warmly invited. There is a lot to discover at our…
Netzwerk Frühkindliche Kulturelle Bildung
Cultural education enriches the development of very young children – it should therefore be a natural part of everyday life. The Netzwerk Frühkindliche Kulturelle Bildung brings together people from…
Charta der Vielfalt
The Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH has signed the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter) and is committed to it. The Charta der Vielfalt is a voluntary commitment published…
The Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH is committed to a cosmopolitan, fair and solidary society. It therefore supports the alliance DIE VIELEN and has signed the Berlin Declaration…
Berliner Museumsverband e.V.
Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH is of course also a member of the Berliner Museumsverband e.V. (Association of Museums in Berlin). The Association of Museums in Berlin consists…
Deutscher Museumsbund
The Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH has been a member of the Deutscher Museumsbund (German Museum Association) for years. The Deutsche Museumsbund e.V. has represented the interests of…
ICOM Germany
The Stiftung KUNSTFORUM der Berliner Volksbank gGmbH is also a member of ICOM Germany and is committed to the mission statement: The International Museum Council (ICOM) is committed to…